Integrerade förstärkare
Rogue Audio Sphinx v2
Grattis .... ! USA tillverkad rörförstärkare för så lite pengar
Stunning performance at its introductory price.

Nu kraftigt prissänkt. Jag gillar verkligen denna förstärkare och jag spelar själv på en neri i vårt deltidsboende i södra Italien.

Den finns på lager för omgående leverans.

Sphinx is Rogue Audio´s newest hybrid integrated amplifier, featuring a high level MM/MC phono stage as well as a headphone amp.

Dynamic, transparent, and profoundly musical, the Rogue Sphinx sets a new standard in affordable integrated amplifiers. Utilizing sophisticated circuitry borrowed from our most advanced designs, the Sphinx is able to outperform separates costing far more than this single box design. And with 100 watts of hybrid power, this integrated is capable of realistic volume levels that will rival the clarity and presence of the original performance.

The Sphinx contains a discrete headphone amplifier and an excellent phono section compatable with high output MM and MC cartridges. Active and fixed outputs allow for the addition of a subwoofer or other outboard devices. A high capacity linear power supply provides tremendous energy storage to recreate the deepest bass passages while various regulated power supply stages provide ultra smooth sound in the midrange and treble. The machined aluminum faceplate is available in either black or silver to compliment the rest of your components and the optional metal remote further adds the convenience of remote volume operation.

"Rogue Audio’s latest hybrid integrated amplifier is also the company’s most affordable amplifier. Don’t you love that? I do."

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