Groundbreaking Triode/Class D Hybrid Amplifiers!
Imagine a new kind of power amplifier that combines the best of both the tube and solid state technologies. An energy efficient "green" design requiring no tube biasing or regular maintenance. An amplifier having the smooth and organic sound that only tubes can provide combined with the dynamics and slam of a damping factor of over 1000. Such an amplifier now exists! For 2012 Rogue Audio proudly introduces the Medusa and Hydra tube hybrid amplifiers. Utilizing breakthrough technology developed by Rogue Audio these amplifiers provide outstanding performance in a compact and cool running design. The Medusa is conservatively rated at 200WPC into 8 Ohms and 400WPC into 4 Ohms while the Hydra is rated at 100/200WPC. Both amplifiers feature a triode tube front end combined with a class D Mosfet output section that offers incredibly smooth and transparent sound with none of the fatigue often associated with earlier class D amplifiers. Priced at $3,995 and $2,995 respectively they also afford the excellent value Rogue Audio has come to be known for.
The Rogue Hydra is a 100Wpc amplifier that combines a tube input with a class-D output section (using only the module´s MOSFET output, bypassing the rest), with about 2dB of negative feedback. If Rogue is lucky, then this will appeal to both audiophiles that are tube fans and those that are fans of modern digital technology. If they´re not lucky, then tube fans will reject it because it includes the evil of digital, and digital fans will reject it because it includes technology that they regard as obsolete. Ultimately, it´s the sound that matters—and, according to Rogue´s Mark O´Brien, it´s an effective combination of the tube sound with the power of solid-state.
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